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What is Satellite Internet – How to choose a Satellite Internet Supplier

What is satellite internet?

“What is Satellite Internet” Satellite internet is when you get online without any wires, using satellites that circle the Earth.

Key Points:

  • Your internet company (ISP) uses satellites to send signals between your dish, satellites in space, and stations technology on the ground.
  • Signals travel long distances between satellites and ground stations. So it takes longer for data to move compared to connections on land, which can make satellite internet slower.
  • Satellite internet is mainly used in rural or faraway places where there aren’t regular internet setups like cables or towers.
  • Bad weather like heavy rain or snow can mess up your connection because it gets in the way of the satellite signal.
  • Some plans have limits on how much data you can use within a certain time. Which means you might get cut off or slowed down if you go over that limit.

How to choose a satellite internet provider:

When you’re looking for a satellite internet provider, remember these things:


Although satellite internet companies have grown their coverage lately. It might still be tough to get service if you live in an RV or a rural area with few connections. But, there’s good news: companies like HughesNet offer satellite internet all across the United States.

Cost and promotions:

Decide how much money you’re willing to spend on satellite internet each month. Remember, it usually costs more than other types like fiber or cable.

It’s smart to search for deals that can lower the cost. EarthLink is the cheapest option we have, but even companies like Viasat and HughesNet might have good deals for the first year.

Data allotment:

Some satellite internet providers, like EarthLink, limit how much data you can use, usually between 40 and 500 GB. If you go over this limit, you might have to pay extra or have slower speeds until your next bill. If you prefer not to worry about data limits, go for a provider like HughesNet or Viasat that offer unlimited data.


The speed of your internet and how many devices you have at home are connected. If you only use one device, you might be okay with slower speeds, but if you have lots of devices, you’ll want faster speeds. With satellite internet, speeds can be between 25 and 150 Mbps, but some providers like Starlink offer even faster speeds, up to 220 Mbps. Satellite internets might be quicker than DSL, but it usually has more delays, called latency, which can slow down your connection.

Our rating (out of 5)PriceSpeedCompany reputation
EarthLink4.4$49.95 – $89.95Up to 25 MbpsFair
HughesNet4.3$49.99 – $124.99Up to 100 MbpsExcellent
Viasat4.0$49.99 – $199.99Up to 150 MbpsGood

Advantages & Disadvantages of Satellite Internet:

Like any internet, satellite internet has its pros and cons. People have to decide if the widespread availability and fast speeds in remote places are worth the cost and the problems with bad weather, among other things.


  • Because satellite internet uses signals from anywhere on Earth. It could be a good choice for you, especially if you live in a rural area.
  • Satellite internet might not be as speedy as fiber, but you can still get fast speeds, up to 220 Mbps. Depending on the plan and provider you pick.
  • Some providers give you unlimited standard data, so you can use the internet without worrying about extra charges.


  • Satellite internet plans typically cost more than cable, fiber, or DSL internet plans.
  • Bad weather can mess up satellite-Internet because it weakens the signals from the satellites. Causing spotty connections and sometimes cutting off the internet altogether.
  • This might not work well for things like video calls and video games because it’s slower and has more delays, called latency. Which can make transferring data take longer.

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